Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring is in the air and we are still busy learning

Good morning! Sorry I have not done a very good job of keeping this up to date. We have been very busy working on our book projects and making sure that we are getting those ready to be sent off next week already!! The students are super excited and can't wait to see their final projects. We are also continuing to work hard throughout the day with our everyday learning. Please don't forget if you are able to donate something for our class carnival basket to have your child bring in a kitchen/cooking item by next Friday, March 30th. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to both myself and your student!!!

  Happy Spring!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hope everyone is having a great President's Day off!! I wanted to make sure I posted some pictures from Valentine's Day and all the fun we had. We took the day and had some fun doing Valentine's day activities and writing projects. Take a look at some of the fun we were having while creating our masterpieces!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

After preping and creating our volcanoes the students were super excited to watch them explode.

After exploding each of their volcanoes we exploded the class volcano as well.

Unit 3 was about nature and all the exciting things nature has to offer to us. The story that we ended the unit on was "Volcanoes Nature's Fireworks" this provided us the opportunities to create and explode our own volcanoes. The kiddos had so much fun and loved this part of the unit. This story was also a great link to science and helped the students to better understand volcanoes.

This was day 1, preping and creating our volcanoes so we can leave them out all night to dry and become solid to explode the next day.

Enjoying our "book worms"

We started a new quater with some buddies to enjoy while reading. It was something fun for the students to enjoy while reading their books during daily 5.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to our blog! I am super excited to post updates on our blog page so you are able to see what we are up to! I am new to this blogging idea so bare with me as I learn how to navigate and get our page up and rolling!! I hope you take the time to visit often and keep updated on what is going on in 3rd grade reading!!